This visual object exemplifies what Gayle Rubin terms “moral panic” because sexual offenders created a huge sex panic in which the media, policy makers, and activists all got involved (, 2017). Sexual offenders are a group of people that pose a threat to societal values—one group being pedophiles. As depicted in this photograph, media coverage frames the problems of sexual predators in terms of morality and usually depicts well-known cases as outrageous.
Society catalogues both pedophiles and asexual people as abnormal on the basis of their sexual practices. Asexual people lack sexual desires and are then categorized as abnormal while pedophiles are committing sexual wrongdoings, which society detests.
Gayle Rubin, Thinking Sex
Ela Przybylo, Introducing Asexuality, Unthinking Sex
Supreme court strike law banning sex offenders on social media. (2017). WITN.Com, pp. 1-2.