Blog Post #3

I think that this poster relates to our LGBT experiences in history class because we have been learning a lot about the gay/transgender experiences in the 60’s and 70’s. There has been a lot of evidence in the readings that queer youths were having sex at an early age. A lot of transgender youths who used to hustle on the streets would become sex workers by the age of 18 or 19 because they couldn’t find any other work.  This poster is great because it informs the audience that people are having sex really young, and it is important that queer youths know about what HIV/AIDS is, and how to prevent it at a young age so that they can make sure that they don’t get infected. I find this poster interesting because it is very straightforward and isn’t hesitant to talk about sex. The entire point of this poster is that sex needs to be talked about and that moving past the uncomfortability some parents feel talking about sex is necessary in order to keep their children safe. This poster sends the message that AIDS has a huge effect on people’s lives and that it’s important to talk about.

Poster Creators: Country AIDS Awareness Campaign


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