“Instagram” Post 4 ~ Publication

Gay City News is a weekly LGBTQ+ newspaper founded in 1994, and is one of the most widely popular queer news sources in the country at approximately 47000 copies distributed per day. This particularly newspaper was actually available for free in large quantities in the Brooklyn neighborhood I grew up in: Park Slope. I feel that the free distribution of queer media is significant, both because it shows that queer news is public information and not some sort of adult entertainment, and because it allows everyone, including those without easy access to the internet, to find the news.


#News #NewYorkCity #freeNewspaper #LBGTQExperiencesUSHistory

Instagram Post 4 – Ariston Hotel Baths Raid

This week I decided to focus on the police raid that occurred in the Ariston Hotel Baths on February 21, 1903. This was the first ever recorded raid in a bathhouse that occurred in the United States. About 60 men were detained, 26 were arrested, 12 were brought to trial on sodomy laws, and 7 received sentences ranging from 4-20 years in prison. The Ariston Hotel Baths was located in the basement of the Ariston Hotel which was at the corner Broadway and 55th Street in New York City and was in operation as early as 1897. This event is important, because it was the catalyst the motivated people to start recording all of the raids that were occurring in places that were centered around LGBTQ+ people such as Stonewall. #LGBTQExperiencesUSA #LGBTQRaidsinHistory #LGBTQIssueswithPolice